Is data visualization a form of business intelligence?

Exploring the Intersection of Data Visualization and Business Intelligence: Benefits, Limitations, and Key Components

Siddhant Chavan
7 min readJan 31, 2023
Photo by Headway on Unsplash


Data visualization and business intelligence are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but are they the same thing? In this blog, we will explore the definitions of these two concepts and determine if data visualization can be considered a form of business intelligence.

Data visualization refers to the process of creating graphical representations of data to aid in understanding and analysis. This includes charts, graphs, maps, and other forms of visual representation that help to make sense of complex data. The goal of data visualization is to present information in a way that is easy to understand and to uncover patterns and insights that may not be immediately obvious from raw data.

Business intelligence refers to the collection, analysis, and presentation of data for the purpose of making informed business decisions. This can include a variety of tools and techniques, including data visualization, but also includes other forms of data analysis such as statistical analysis and predictive modeling. Business intelligence is about using data to drive better business outcomes, and it is an essential component of modern decision-making.

Purpose of the blog

The purpose of this blog is to examine the relationship between data visualization and business intelligence. We will explore the key components of each, the benefits and limitations of using data visualization in business intelligence, and provide real-world examples of how they are used together. By the end of this blog, you should have a better understanding of whether or not data visualization can be considered a form of business intelligence.

Understanding Business Intelligence

A. Overview of Business Intelligence

Business intelligence is a broad term that encompasses a variety of tools, techniques, and processes used to gather, analyze, and present data for the purpose of making informed business decisions. The goal of business intelligence is to turn data into actionable insights that can drive better business outcomes. This can include everything from data visualization to predictive modeling and beyond.

B. Importance of Business Intelligence in decision-making

Business intelligence is critical to effective decision-making because it provides organizations with the information they need to make informed decisions. By collecting and analyzing data, organizations can gain insights into their operations and identify areas for improvement. This can lead to increased efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, and increased profitability. Furthermore, business intelligence can help organizations to identify trends and patterns in their data, allowing them to make proactive decisions that can help to mitigate risk and maximize opportunities.

C. Key components of Business Intelligence

The key components of business intelligence include data collection, data warehousing, data analysis, and reporting and visualization.

Data collection involves gathering data from a variety of sources, including internal databases, external data sources, and customer feedback.

Data warehousing involves storing data in a centralized location for easy access and analysis.

Data analysis involves using a variety of tools and techniques to make sense of the data and uncover insights.

Reporting and visualization involves presenting the results of the data analysis in a way that is easy to understand and actionable. This can include charts, graphs, maps, and other forms of visual representation.

Understanding Data Visualization

Data visualization is the process of creating graphical representations of data to help understand and analyze the information contained within. This includes a wide range of visualizations such as bar charts, line graphs, heat maps, and more. The goal of data visualization is to make data accessible and easy to understand, allowing users to uncover patterns and insights that might not be immediately obvious from raw data.

Importance of Data Visualization in decision-making

Data visualization plays a critical role in decision-making by helping organizations to understand their data and make informed decisions based on that information. By presenting data in a visual format, users can quickly identify trends and patterns, and gain insights into their operations that would not be possible from raw data alone. This can lead to increased efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, and increased profitability.

Key components of Data Visualization

The key components of data visualization include data preparation, data analysis, and data representation.

Data preparation involves cleaning and preparing the data for visualization.

Data analysis involves using statistical techniques and tools to identify trends and patterns in the data.

Data representation involves presenting the results of the data analysis in a visual format, such as charts, graphs, maps, or other forms of visual representation. This helps to make the information accessible and easy to understand, allowing users to quickly identify patterns and insights that may not be immediately obvious from raw data alone.

The Intersection of Business Intelligence and Data Visualization

A. Data Visualization as a tool for Business Intelligence

Data visualization is a powerful tool for business intelligence as it can help organizations to understand their data and make informed decisions based on that information. By presenting data in a visual format, users can quickly identify trends and patterns, and gain insights into their operations that would not be possible from raw data alone. This makes data visualization an essential component of business intelligence.

B. Benefits of using Data Visualization in Business Intelligence

There are several benefits to using data visualization in business intelligence, including:

  1. Improved decision-making: Data visualization helps organizations to understand their data and make informed decisions based on that information.
  2. Increased efficiency: By presenting data in a visual format, users can quickly identify trends and patterns, saving time and effort.
  3. Enhanced communication: Data visualization makes it easier to communicate data-driven insights to stakeholders, leading to better collaboration and decision-making.
  4. Increased understanding: Data visualization helps to make complex data accessible and easy to understand, allowing users to uncover insights that may not be immediately obvious from raw data alone.

C. Examples of how Data Visualization is used in Business Intelligence

  1. Sales performance analysis: Data visualization can be used to track sales performance, allowing organizations to identify trends and patterns in their sales data.
  2. Customer behavior analysis: Data visualization can be used to analyze customer behavior, providing insights into customer preferences and buying patterns.
  3. Inventory management: Data visualization can be used to manage inventory, helping organizations to identify areas for improvement and optimize their operations.
  4. Predictive modeling: Data visualization can be used to present the results of predictive modeling, allowing organizations to understand the potential outcomes of different scenarios and make informed decisions.

Limitations of Data Visualization in Business Intelligence

A. Challenges in using Data Visualization in Business Intelligence

Despite its many benefits, there are also several challenges associated with using data visualization in business intelligence, including:

  1. Data quality: The quality of the data used for data visualization can greatly impact the accuracy and usefulness of the visualizations.
  2. Data volume: The large volume of data can make it difficult to present the information in a meaningful way using data visualization.
  3. Complex data: Complex data sets can be difficult to represent using data visualization, requiring specialized knowledge and expertise.
  4. Interpreting visualizations: It can be difficult for users to correctly interpret data visualizations, leading to incorrect conclusions and decisions.

B. Limitations of Data Visualization as a form of Business Intelligence

Despite its many benefits, there are also several limitations to data visualization as a form of business intelligence, including:

  1. Inability to handle large volumes of data: Data visualization is limited in its ability to handle large volumes of data, which can impact the accuracy and usefulness of the visualizations.
  2. Limitations of visual representation: Data visualization is limited by the type of visual representation used, with some data sets requiring more specialized visualizations to effectively represent the information.
  3. Limitations of interpretation: The interpretation of data visualizations can be subjective, leading to incorrect conclusions and decisions.

C. How to overcome the limitations of Data Visualization in Business Intelligence

To overcome the limitations of data visualization in business intelligence, organizations can take the following steps:

  1. Ensure data quality: By ensuring the quality of the data used for data visualization, organizations can improve the accuracy and usefulness of their visualizations.
  2. Use specialized tools: Specialized tools can be used to handle large volumes of data, making it easier to present the information in a meaningful way.
  3. Provide training: Providing training and support to help users interpret data visualizations correctly can help to overcome the limitations of interpretation.
  4. Use multiple visualizations: By using multiple visualizations to represent the same data set, organizations can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their data.


In this blog, we explored the relationship between data visualization and business intelligence. We defined both data visualization and business intelligence, discussed the importance of each in decision-making, and identified the key components of each. We also explored the intersection of business intelligence and data visualization, discussing the benefits of using data visualization as a tool for business intelligence, as well as the limitations and challenges associated with this approach.

Data visualization is an important tool for business intelligence, allowing organizations to present complex data in a meaningful and accessible way. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations and challenges associated with data visualization in order to ensure that the visualizations are accurate and useful.

Recommendations for further reading

For those interested in further exploring the topic of data visualization and business intelligence, we recommend the following resources:

  1. Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction by Kieran Healy
  2. Business Intelligence: A Managerial Perspective on Analytics by Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen and Efraim Turban
  3. Data Visualization with D3.js by Ian Johnson
  4. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte
  5. Data Visualization for Dummies by Molly Monsey and Steve Wexler.

